Friday 3 October 2008

Vested Interest

The Pharmaceutical industry makes huge amounts of money.

For it to continue to make huge amounts of money, we have to continue to take their medicines.

So, what do you think the medicines are prescribed to do?

When you pay to see me, what are you paying for?

A consultation.

I don't make any money on my medicines.
In fact, I include them in the consultation fees.

When you get better you don't need to see me anymore or even take the medicines, you tell people, they notice the difference and more people come to see me.

That's how I make a living.

I don't make a killing.

Monday 4 August 2008


What is a medicine supposed to do?
Why are homoeopathic medicines also called remedies?
What is a remedy?
A remedy is a solution, to rectify or to remove something undesirable.
One of the main attractions for homoeopathy is that it has a definition of cure.
This is the goal by which all prescriptions should be based...

"The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and anihilation of the disease in this whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way on easily comprehensive principles."
from: The Organon of Medicine, Sixth Edition, Samuel Hahnemann

Do you feel that conventional medicines are prescribed to do this?

Tuesday 15 July 2008



Failure is an attitude, not an outcome.

Most of us think of failure as a reason to give up. Can you imagine what would happen if parents treated their children like failures when they were learning to walk? Have you ever seen a parent say to their child that fell over whilst taking their first steps, "Oh well, I guess you'll never be a walker."

After Thomas Edison's 700th unsuccessful attempt to invent the electric light bulb, he was asked, "How does it feel to have failed 700 times?" He responded, " I haven't failed 700 times... I haven't failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated all those ways that will not work, I'll find the way that will work."

... and he did.

If you're one of those people who thinks of themselves as a failure, not succeeding, or just not reaching your true potential then I can help.

A well-prescribed homoeopathic remedy will help you see your challenges and hurdles differently. By altering the attitude, it helps you change the outcome.

How valuable is your health?


Which do you feel is more expensive...

Getting well?

... or staying ill?

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Homoeopathy - The Last Resort


Have you ever heard someone say when they've found something that they'd lost that it was the last place they'd think of looking?

We know there's a simple explanation for this -

You don't carry on looking for something once you've found it, do you?

People often regard homoeopathy as the last resort. In fact there's a medical nemonic - T.E.E.T.H - Tried Everything Else, Try Homoeopathy!

But... The reason homoeopathy is the last resort is the same as when you've found something that you've lost...

Once you've found health and healing, why would you need to look any further?

Thursday 10 April 2008



Patients do get better with homoeopathy. Its sceptics site the placebo effect as the reason for its favourable response.


What is it about the placebo effect that means that patients get better when they have homoeopathic treatment but haven’t via a conventional route?

Sunday 2 March 2008

There's none so blind as those that don't want to see


On Saturday 2nd February, at Neal’s Yard Remedies in Covent Garden, I dropped a whole tray of homoeopathic remedies in their vials on the floor, two of which smashed leaving small round balls rolling around on the floor. It was 1 vial of Arnica 30c and 1 vial of Arsenicum 6c that has smashed and I was asked if I’d be able to salvage them. Ethically, they couldn’t be sold but they couldn’t be put into the staff box either because, as was pointed out to me, the tablets look the same and some would argue, are the same! I disputed this, but was asked a challenging question - "Well, how would you find out which ones which then?" I replied - "Unfortunately, we’d have to take the tablets and see what happens to find out which one’s which."

I was told that was cheating. Later that day, in a twist of karmic fate, my challenger dropped a shoe box full of CDs, most of which are unlabelled duplicates of our originals (as they get scratched quite quickly and we can return to the original for new copies!) So, I wryly asked, "How are you gonna tell which CD’s which? If you gave them to a chemist to analyse they’d say they were all the same - Same amount of acrylic, same amount of silver, same mass. How you gonna find out which one’s which?" She replied "I’ll just put them in the CD player, der!"

"But that’s cheating!" I grinned. To a chemist, one CD is the same as the next. We need to hear a CD to unleash its music and evoke a response. The digital information as 1s and 0s burnt onto the silver through the acrylic are read and processed into movement of airwaves that replicate the original sounds. It vibrates the air that then vibrates our eardrum. We then convert that vibration, once again, into an electrical signal for our brain to interpret. How you interpret that CD may be wildly different to me. You may enjoy ABBA, I may not. But remember, to the chemist, all CDs are the same. When I prescribe a homoeopathic medicine, I’m interested in how you interpret it. I know that you’ll be susceptible to responding to the medicine as you’ve produced symptoms that mimic what the remedy does to a healthy person. Yet, to a chemist all homoeopathic medicines are the same.
  • So, if you can’t see something, does that mean it’s not there?